Hi, I'm Heidi

I'm so glad you've made it here

After graduating from the Hallmark Institute of Photography in 2011, I struggled to find my space in the photography industry. I juggled multiple jobs that I loved within the fields of education and community services. All the while, I knew my heart desired to use my photography to help - I was unsure how. After becoming a mother at the beginning of the pandemic, I had time to reflect on my goals. In 2022 I sustained a crippling injury that halted my progress in those 2 years. Or so I thought! In reality, I had built such a wonderful community of small business friends that I knew I had found my target. Focusing on building inclusive spaces and sessions has given me the gift of creating a career and a life that I love.

"Offering photography experiences that highlight who we are, right where we are, just as we are."

Heidi Shartrand Newell